On the heels of Google's potentially revolutionary Wave announcement , Steve Ballmer's Microsoft has dropped a future bomb of its own: a hands-free, emotionally responsive XBox control system that could disrupt and expand the video game industry much like the Wii did eons ago in 2006. Unveiled yesterday at E3, the new Natal system has been evoking rave reviews arcoss the blogosphere. Some choice phrases: "game-changer" , "seminal moment not just in video games, but in technology too" , "disabled gaming revolution?" , and the more cautious "seems to hold a lot of potential, with some possible technical limitations" . Particularly interesting is Natal's ability to scan objects, such as a skateboard, and bring them into the game, as demonstrated in the promo video below: Not to be outdone, Nintendo has also announced a lighter-weight hands-free control interface for the Wii, releasing this workout demo on the heels of Microsoft's b
on the social consequences of emerging tech